The working principle of this acupuncture pen is using electrical impulses to stimulate the acupuncture points and then activate cell and flush the channel.
There are two ways to generate electrical impulses. One is used The contact gel (not included) to increase the conductivity to produce pulse . Another way is Hand Use to open the positive and negative poles between the acupuncture pen and the body, so that impulses can be generated.
9 Pulse rate adjustment, you can adjust freely according to your needs. And LCD Display Display Its operating status.
Equipped with another massage head to replace.
A versatile acupuncture pen can help you relax Muscle , Revive Pain, as well as Beauty and Rejuvenation.
First, electrical impulses can trigger muscle contraction, which is a great way to exercise deeper muscles and prevent the immobilized muscles from atrophy.
Secondly, using the acupuncture pen with water-based analgesic balm (not included) can help eliminate the pain.
Third, use the acupuncture pen with a cream or facial lotion to squeeze your facial muscle to firm up your sagging skin; it is also Helping to promote blood circulation to keep rejuvenation.
Material: Stainless steel
Power source: 1 x AA battery (not installed)
Silver color
Size: 18.2 * 2.7 cm (length * width)
Weight: 82g
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